Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Cheating Scandal: Sara Leal Pictures and Profile

Cheating Scandal: Sara Leal Pictures and Profile

Sara Leal is said to be the mistress of Ashton Kutcher and the reason for the fall out of marriage between Ashton and Demi Moore, ending their six year marriage. See the pictures and Profile of Sara Leal below and the message sent to that lead to the break out of the news of the Cheating scandal.

Sara Leal Pictures and Profile
Sara Leal
23 years old
San Diego
Graduated from Texas A &M

“Nik, I’m going to be straight to the point. I’m a female who works at who happens to be friends with Sara Leal, probably not after this. I’m sick to my stomach over what happen last Friday night. Like most people on earth I worshiped Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore until Ashton Kutcher f*cked my friend Sara Leal at 4:30AM technically Saturday morning in his room on the 12 floor at the Hardrock Hotel in San Diego. Ashton Kutcher told Sara Leal that him and Demi Moore are separated and the public doesn’t know yet. Smooth line Ashton, she was going to f*ck you anyway. Nik if you want to verify any of this just call Sara Leal yourself or ask Deena Omari. Better yet subpoena Ashton’s bodyguard who took her phone before she came into the room.”

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